When moms receive a diagnosis for their child, it usually comes with all kinds of feelings…
I’ve talked to many moms who’ve distanced themselves from God during these times, worried that he wouldn’t accept the emotions they were experiencing. But the Bible shows us something very different.
King David experienced many hard times. He lost a child. He struggled with sin. People sought to kill him. His children rebelled against him. He was familiar with suffering. And rather than avoiding God or pretending everything was peachy, David was honest with God about his doubts. Here are just a few questions he asked in the Psalms:
Why have you forsaken me? (Ps 22:1)
Will you forget me forever? (Ps 13:1)
Why do you hide yourself in times of trouble? (Ps 10:1)
How long must I wrestle with my thoughts and day after day have sorrow in my heart? (Ps 13:2)
David doubted God’s love. He doubted God’s promises. He doubted God’s compassion. And, even still, God called him “a man after God’s own heart.”
We don’t risk God’s disappointment when we tell him our doubts. Instead, we are walking in obedience as James 5:13 tells us, “Is anyone among you suffering? Let him pray.” We serve a God who empathizes with us in our weakness. He can handle whatever we have to say to him. He already knows it anyway.
So, mama, as you grieve a diagnosis, here are some things that are ok to say to God:
+God, how can you say you’re good when my child is going through _____? (God can handle this.)
+God, I don’t trust your plan right now. (He can handle this too.)
+God, I don’t even know if you’re real any more. (He can even handle this.)
Here are some things we can know are true as we cry out to God in our sorrow and doubt:
+God hears. (Ps 18:6)
+God is near. (Ps 34:18)
+God sees. (Ps 10:14)
+God cares. (1 Pet 5:7)
+God offers peace and rest. (Phil 4:6-7, Matt 11:28)
+No matter their diagnosis, our children were created in God’s image, fearfully, wonderfully, masterfully, and purposefully. (Gen 1:27, Ps 139:13)
Thank you